Mission 44, August 2024 Operation Haitian Alliance

Mission Team: Sloan, Hunkins, Larco, Grimaldi

Objectives: AA0044’s nickname could have been “Mission Critical.” ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE’s new President Thad Hunkins and Peter Sloan were joined on ARCHANGEL 1 by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist James Grimaldi and Dr. Daniel Mario Larco on a critical resupply mission to Cap Haitien, Haiti. Thanks to longtime partner Americares, the team resupplied 750 lbs of critical pharmaceuticals, diagnostic equipment and supplies to the Jean Hibbert Clinic. Team 44 also delivered critical electrical equipment—a solar inverter and a dedicated Lithium Ion battery bank for the Starlink satellite internet receiver along with a host of special requests ranging from printer ink to a car battery. Mission Critical faced unique challenges on the way out but as we near the 50 mission mark, our safety record remains perfect. Long may the Archangels continue to bless our work together!
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